about us

about us

This Time is Different

In today's world, where every second counts, our lives are often overrun by schedules. Calendars initially meant to help us, have started to take over, turning from tools of organization into rulers of our days. This shift has led to a crucial realization: our calendars, once simple logs of past decisions, are now setting the course for our future.

It's clear we've lost something vital – not just control over our time, but the ability to make each moment truly ours.

This is the driving force behind Moment. We see time differently – not as a series of dates and tasks, but as a collection of people, places, and priorities, interwoven and interconnected.

Our approach with Moment shifts away from the traditional calendar's when-first mentality. Instead, Moment tunes into your personal and professional rhythms. We get to know you – with lifestyle data, trip information, commute patterns, sleep schedules, downtime, and patterns throughout your days. We go beyond mere calendar events to understand and adapt to you.

We don't automate. We don't make decisions on your behalf. We don't lecture you with best practices that might work for others but not you.

We proactively do the work in the background and suggest improvements and context so that you can make better decisions around your priorities.

And once you do - we make it remarkably simple to reflect them in your schedule, from organizing that next meeting to blocking a few hours for deep work or downtime.